7 Tips to Grow Your LinkedIn Audience

7 Tips to Grow Your LinkedIn Audience featured image

Are you looking for ways to grow your LinkedIn audience? Being active on LinkedIn leads to business opportunities and connections. We encourage optimizing all of your social media platforms (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and beyond), but LinkedIn is especially important in the professional realm as it is a business platform built on networking! Check out seven tips on how to organically grow your LinkedIn audience.

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Optimize your LinkedIn

Ensure your profile photo, banner photo, information about the company, website URL, hours, title, and more are up to date!

Incorporate keywords and phrases in your About that potential customers might use to search for your product or service.

Choose the right hashtags to use for tracking and engagement.

Invite your network to follow your company page.

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Start at home!

Make sure employees are following your page. Encourage them to turn on post notifications from your company page so that they will be notified when a post is shared!

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Making sure to tag

Tag employees, partners, vendors, and relevant organizations in your posts for increased reach to affinity audiences. 

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Share posts, often

Make posts professional yet engaging. LinkedIn recommends that your content not be “focused on the benefits of your product or service, as ‘salesy’ doesn’t perform well on LinkedIn.” Instead, posting thought leadership content is more powerful for growing your audience. Include multiple photos or video, if possible.

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Pro Tip: Video and carousel posts tend to have high performance!

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Join groups

Groups are a great way to network with like-minded individuals or companies and promote your services or products.

For example, join groups that align with your audience, like “Science Teachers”! Or, join local groups to network where you are, like “Austin, TX Business Leaders”!

Promote your social channels

Through your company website, newsletters or emails, email signature, and your Google Business Profile. Make sure these accounts are easily accessible to potential audiences!

Engage with your audience

Once you’ve started posting, engage with followers and pages or individuals that you follow! Putting your name out there is a great way to introduce yourself and build connections.

Remember: Audience Size Isn’t Everything

On LinkedIn, where professional networking and community thrive, the emphasis should extend beyond sheer numbers. Building a community rooted in genuine interactions, meaningful discussions, and shared insights not only enhances your brand’s credibility but also nurtures relationships that can drive results. By prioritizing engagement over follower metrics, your brand positions itself as a thought leader, sparking dialogues that resonate deeply with your audience. 

Remember, the strength of your community often outweighs the size of your following, paving the way for lasting connections, opportunities, and authentic business growth!

LinkedIn audience growth can be a slow, yet rewarding process. Don’t give up! If the task seems overwhelming to you…reach out to Seventh Scout! Our social media extraordinaires can guide you through the process.

Picture of Maggie Greiner

Maggie Greiner

Maggie Greiner is Seventh Scout's social media and community engagement manager. Her fresh post-college outlook on social media and digital marketing helps to bring new ideas to Seventh Scout and beyond!

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