How to Use AI for Content Creation

How to Use AI for Content Creation

Ever felt like your creativity decided to take an impromptu vacation, leaving you stranded with nothing but a blank page and a looming deadline? Trust me, we’ve all been there. As the content creator at Seventh Scout, I’ve embraced artificial intelligence (AI) and practically turned it into my content assistant.

Now, I know there are others who have experienced the content creator’s dilemma. That’s why I’m excited to share the AI-driven strategies that have revolutionized my approach to content creation. Whether you’re a fellow marketing maven feeling the weight of the creative block or a professional eager to harness the potential of AI tools like ChatGPT, Jasper, and Grammarly, this blog is your guide.

Ways to Use AI for Content Creation

1. Generate Content Ideas

First things first – the battle begins with brainstorming. ChatGPT is my go-to for this. Whether I’m stuck in a creative rut or just need a fresh perspective, ChatGPT can take a few keywords, and voila! The result is an output of a list of elaborate concepts! From there, it is about narrowing down to the most fitting topic.

When initially looking for content ideas, I purposefully keep the prompts broad but am detailed in how I ask for content ideas. I also try to include the topics and ideas I already have considered.

For Example:

I used the prompt below when brainstorming for an “AI content creation series.”

Looking for more AI content creation guidance?

We’ve curated a collection of thought-provoking, trend-catching prompts to customize ChatGPT as your content creation assistant. Try our free ChatGPT prompts and transform your ideas into tangible content.

2. Create Content Outlines

Now that I’ve got my content topic, it’s time to shape it into a final medium. ChatGPT can outline any form of content, from website copy to videos.

It ensures I don’t miss any subtopics or critical information, and the content flows seamlessly, delivering a smooth reading experience that keeps my audience hooked from start to finish.

For Example:

Here is an example of the prompt I entered into ChatGPT when continuing my “AI content creation series” thread.

ChatGPT Example Screenshot 2
person sharing a secret

Seventh Scout Secret: The output outline can sometimes be extremely long or detailed. When this happens, I isolate the essential parts and keep them for my original blog. Any outline subtopics left over can be used as individual content later or discarded.

3. Write First Drafts

The blank page can be draining to stare at, but with ChatGPT or Jasper, it’s like getting a jumpstart on creativity. Both AI content tools can write coherent drafts, giving you a great starting point. I identify the tone, audience, outline, keywords, and a few topic details. Then watch as it weaves bullet points into a compelling narrative. 

Unlike ChatGPT, Jasper offers specific templates based on the type of content you write, including blogs, webpages, emails, social posts, etc.

For Example:

Continuing to use our previous example topic, here are my inputs for ChatGPT and the Jasper blog template.

ChatGPT Blog Draft Example Screenshot
Jasper AI Blog Post Draft Screenshot

4. Edit and Proofread

No one likes embarrassing typos or awkward grammar mishaps. AI can help be a second pair of eyes in proofreading your work. At Seventh Scout, we prefer Grammarly and using the built-in proofreading tools you find in Microsoft Word or Google Docs. 

The Grammarly plug-in scans your content, catching errors and suggesting improvements. In addition, you can set specific tones and check if your writing matches. The result? Polished content ready to publish to your audience.

Grammarly AI Screenshot

Integrating AI into my content creation process has been a game-changer. From idea inception to final polish, these AI tools are my creative sidekicks, helping me produce content that resonates with my audience and saves me time and energy. So, to all my fellow marketers feeling overwhelmed or looking to dip their toes into the AI pool. Trust me; the water feels great, and the beer is on ice! Cheers to effortless, compelling content creation powered by AI! 

Ready to elevate your content without the hassle? Let Seventh Scout take the reins of your content creation journey. Our team is here to transform your ideas into engaging, results-driven content that captivates your audience. Connect with us today and discover the power of seamless, professional content creation tailored to your needs. Your story deserves to be heard. Let us help you tell it!

Picture of Jennifer Forsmann

Jennifer Forsmann

Jennifer Forsmann is a content manager at Seventh Scout. She is an avid lover of stories, so it's no surprise she finds herself curating the videos, photos, and articles in the Scout's Journal.

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