Seven Questions with Seventh Scout: Eve Molnar

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Get to know the extraordinary and talented Eve Molnar! She the Communication Designer for Seventh Scout who creates magic with her design collateral! With great attention-to-detail and innovative ideas, she helps craft eye-catching designs that make an impact on our clients. Her enthusiasm towards crafting unique visual stories helps us provide inventive strategies to all of our projects. Today we’re thrilled you get to learn more about this incredible designer –  Let’s get creative together with our incredible Eve today!

Eve Molnar - Communication Designer & Strategist

Howdy y’all, I’m Eve! I’m originally from a small town in western Pennsylvania and attended Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, where I graduated with a degree in Communication Design. Shortly afterward, I moved to Austin, Texas, for a job and never left. Live music and good barbecue will do that.

My design career in Austin has gone through many twists and turns over the years, from working in-house at a software company to co-founding a successful design studio to lots and lots of freelancing with clients and agencies of all sizes. One thing that stayed consistent was meeting and working with really smart and passionate people. When I got to know the partners at Seventh Scout, I knew it was a place where I could thrive.

I’m enthusiastic about visual communication, and I love digging deep into the hearts and minds of our client’s target audiences to create communication materials that resonate with their intended audience.

Seven Questions With Eve

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What are three words to describe you?

Resilient, patient, and easy-going.

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What led you to this career?

I’ve always been into art and drawing. When I was a kid, I thought that maybe I wanted to be an architect, but math and science and that stuff were involved. So, graphic design felt like a logical next step.

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What's the most interesting part of your job with Seventh Scout?

No two days are ever the same. Sometimes I do really strategic things; sometimes it’s tactical, detailed things. That variety keeps it really fresh.

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What is your top Austin food recommendation?

I’m not a foodie, but I like beer. My favorite brew pubs are Pinthouse and Brewtorium.

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What’s your favorite way to spend a day off?

Going out in nature with my dog, hiking, and exploring.

What do you draw inspiration from?

A lot of things. I like to take road trips and see new places. I always return from those trips inspired and refreshed.

What’s your favorite emoji?

I’m going to go with the heart-eyed cat. 😻

I am really intrigued by the Slack emoji, ‘the dusty stick.”

dusty stick - slack emoji

Learn More About Our Team

We invite you to get to know Eve better by checking out her team bio page where you can read about her passions! While there, we invite you to check out all our team members!

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