Five Reasons to Automate Your Inbound Marketing Process

Here are five reasons why you should automate your inbound marketing process.

Inbound marketing and marketing automation are a match made in heaven. Although the two are entirely different concepts, the essential elements of each go hand-in-hand to create a perfect strategy for attracting, converting, and retaining clients to your business. 

There are multiple reasons why automating your inbound marketing process is a powerful tool for your business. In this article, we’re going to take a look at five reasons why you should automate your inbound marketing process and how doing so makes a difference for you and your clients, but for the benefit, of course!

Simplified Diversity

Inbound marketing works best when a strategy is created to deliver content via multiple channels. The most popular mediums for content delivery via inbound marketing are blogs, social media, videos, vlogs, and podcasts. The time it takes to manually execute delivery strategies for each of these mediums, however, is overwhelming and requires the work of a full-time team.

Although inbound marketing automation does not entirely eliminate the need for manual labor, it significantly reduces the requirement and simplifies the inbound marketing process. Inbound marketing tools, like Hubspot, allow you to create automation strategies for each stream of content. Once the strategy is created, you can “set it and forget it” until it is time to review the outcomes. 

Consistent, High-Quality Leads

The problem with traditional ad marketing is that leads only come in when you are paying for them, and the leads that come in are often cold and unexcited about your business. With inbound marketing, leads are often well-informed about your product and on the verge of making a purchase. 

Automating the inbound marketing process to deliver content to your desired audience consistently creates the opportunity for new leads. Furthermore, because you can reuse and recycle content for inbound marketing (within reason, of course), the cost compared to traditional marketing is minimal.

Lead Nurturing

Once inbound marketing has helped you snag a high-quality lead, you have to love them into your business. For savvy consumers, this means delivering them valuable, educational content that reiterates the reasons why they should do business with you. In addition to consent, the key to successful content delivery consistency. That way, your biggest fans know when and where to find you.

Automated inbound marketing allows you to set a schedule for your email marketing and helps to ensure you are not over-delivering or under-delivering content. With automation, you can rest assured that your best leads are being loved and not forgotten.

Systematic Guidance

As with any form of marketing, a process is required to take your audience from prospect to high-quality lead, then a customer. Intelligent inbound marketing defines a specific route; each potential customer should take based on their interactions with your content. Deploying such a strategy manually can be extremely cumbersome and time consuming for a marketing team. 

When inbound marketing is automated, you can set rules for how prospects should move through your content strategy. When you do, all it takes is a few simple clicks to lead them on a journey through your business.

Easily Accessible Data

Last, but certainly not least, everyone knows that any marketing strategy is only as good as the data used to produce it. Collecting quality data, however, is an extremely complicated process without the right tools. Marketing automation systems, like Hubspot, give you the power to collect data effortlessly so you can continuously improve your inbound marketing strategy and your business.

Create an Inbound Marketing Strategy for Your Business

If you think a solid inbound marketing strategy is just what you need to turn your business around, you’re probably right! When executed correctly, inbound marketing has the potential to change your business long-term and help you achieve the growth you desire! To get started on creating an inbound marketing strategy for your business, download our e-book How To Attract Your Ideal Customer with Inbound Marketing today!



Picture of Lynn Yeldell

Lynn Yeldell

Lynn Yeldell is the Owner of Seventh Scout. She is commonly referred to as our quarterback due to her love for advocating for others and leading teams.

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