Our team had an incredible learning experience at the Elephant Preserve in Fredricksburg, TX! We learned all about rescuing this majestic animal and how to better promote awareness of elephant conservation. According to the International Elephant Foundation, there are about 30,000-50,000 Asian Elephants living worldwide. Asian Elephants are listed as endangered by the IUCN Red List, with their population trending down.
Seventh Scout’s trip to visit the three Asian Elephants – Kitty, Rosie, and Becky – was inspiring! We can’t wait to share our newfound knowledge with everyone so that together, we can work towards protecting these wonderful creatures!

Asian Elephant Fun Fact #1
The Asian Elephant is the 2nd largest land mammal standing at 7 – 13 feet and weighing between 6,000 – 14,000 pounds!
“The Elephant Preserve was such a special opportunity that I could never have imagined doing! Especially in Texas! Seventh Scout has brought me unreal experiences that I will never be able to forget…seeing elephants so close and learning about their personalities was amazing. Being able to experience this with the team was even better; a memory I will cherish forever!”
–Maggie Greiner
“It was awe-inspiring and humbling to be in the close physical presence of such large animals, and it was an amazing experience to be able to touch them. Plus– I had no idea that Asian elephants and African elephants were so different from one another that they’re considered two different species!”
–Eve Molnar
“What an actual dream come true! Elephants have been one of my favorite animals since I was a child, so to have the opportunity to learn more about their conservation, bathe them, hug them, and even perform for them (little did I know) was incredible! The gentle giants were beautiful in every aspect. When I sent photos to my mom, she said, “you must be in seventh heaven!” Little did she know I was also with the Seventh Scout crew! Seventh Heaven, indeed!”
–Emily Dennis
Asian Elephant Fun Fact #2
The Asian elephant has the smallest ears of all three elephant species and is rectangular in shape!
“I wasn’t sure how close they would let us get to the elephants, but when we were allowed to hug their trunks and stand right next to them, the sheer size and magnitude of their presence was exhilarating. I wanted to take them all home with me! It was such a special day and experience, and glad I got to experience with the Seventh Scout team.”
–Kristin Zinkl
“Animals have always held a special place in my heart. From the loyal dogs, curious cats, and hardworking chickens we’ve raised over the years to that memorable encounter with an Asian Elephant while touring temples in Cambodia – I felt like I had checked off one of life’s boxes of “meeting an elephant!” Little did I know; this wasn’t just any run-of-the-mill experience, as it turned out to be so much more than expected. Through connecting with these amazing creatures, there were lessons learned about both our environment and ourselves that will last a lifetime.”
–Lynn Yeldell
“I love animals, and getting to experience new wildlife is always a treasured memory. Elephants have always felt mythical, in a sense, to me. So, getting to interact with these transcendent creatures leaves one speechless. The most rewarding part was having these Asian Elephants as our education instructors in conservation. Yes, these ladies let us hear them trumpet the entire time! I can’t imagine having this experience with anybody other than the animal enthusiasts at Seventh Scout.”
–Jenni Forsmann
Asian Elephant Fun Fact #3
Elephants have hair all over their bodies, including eyelashes!
Asian Elephant Fun Fact #4
In Asia, humans have had close associations with elephants over many centuries, and are important cultural icons central to many Buddhist and Hindu mythologies.
Asian Elephant Fun Fact #5
Elephants purr like cats do, as a means of communication!
About The Perserve
The Elephant Preserve in Fredricksburg is dedicated to expanding elephant education, knowledge, and conservation. The Preserve believes “contact cultivates caring, which encourages conservation.”
The elephants at The Preserve are ambassadors, educators, cultural icons, and the darlings of their community and their many fans. Together, this elephant family is determined to move ahead with a strong purpose to inspire and connect people with this endangered species.
The Preserve partners with International Elephant Foundation to support and operate elephant conservation and education programs worldwide.